Being a new believer, or a born-again Christian comes with an array of new territory which can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, being a born-again Christian is not like riding a bike.
You might have learned some of the scriptures as a kid, but there is no way that you can easily hop back on after a long period of being separated from its handlebar. It requires a level of humility to be able to get back on the path of a Christ centered life. It’s more like surfing. You might know some of the techniques of surfing but if you step away for years and become out of shape, the moment that you decide you want to hit the water again and start to catch waves, you must fall, adjust your body, and remember to bend your knees standing almost perfectly on the center of the board.
That’s what being a Christian is like, you must decide that you want to refocus your attention on Jesus, and it takes practice. The good news though- that God is merciful, graceful, and redeems, no matter what chapter we are in or how far you’ve steered away from him. Even though it is not as easy as riding a bike, God always will receive us with open arms.
When you first start walking a path guided by God, it’s about forming a relationship with Jesus and not treating it like something that is a muscle memory, like religious practices, or like I pointed out before, riding a bike. Being a believer of Jesus, is about picking up your cross and walking next to him knowing that it requires change so we can be transformed through his grace, and his powerful persisting word.
Because of all the temptation in today’s western society, it can feel hard to stay firm and focused on a walk with Jesus. When I went away to college, I was already walking a path distant from God, and the campus environment only separated me more. Living on campus is the perfect place to experiment and try new things, while being glorified for stepping out to engage with this newness. I’m especially referring to the daily parties, the opportunity to experiment sexually, bonding over music and festivals, and lots of alcohol and drugs mixed into those experiences.
Aside from the social aspects of the standard American liberal college, there are also the overwhelming liberal opinions spewed out in classroom discussions. I was personally in the humanities field of work, so I know first-hand the amount of liberal rhetoric that is normalized and expected for most students to agree on. From topics like, feminism to the liberation of twerking, I found it incredibly intimidating to hold a contrary belief. Even if I did want to start searching for God at that time, it almost felt like there was no room for him in my personal life or in my academic research.
Sadly, the American College experience is a nest to mold and prepare the future professionals in this country that then go on to make real life impacts at the basis of these opinions/ lifestyles. Now as a believer that works in a secular organization, it’s obvious that there are many conversations and political beliefs held by my colleagues that are related to topics that could have come from the type of campus I’ve described. The truth is that as a follower of Christ, we will always be set aside from most people and the mainstream culture, not just in the US but everywhere in the world. God’s word clearly tells us that even though we live in the world we are not of it.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12: 2 NLT
What I have learned is that Gods plan is never going to fully unfold if I continue to live by my own thoughts and by worldly desires. His plan for our lives, requires a change of heart and mind, so that we can start to obey the way that he wants us to live. His plan will be revealed to us through his holy spirit and the conviction that we will start to experience as we live in the world through his will.
As a new believer or a born-again Christian, it is normal to experience spiritual warfare or struggle to break an addiction or a certain highly held belief-but God is here helping us and making us stronger as we try to make the change. His will is always glorified in the end. I can personally say that since I have started my walk with Jesus, it has been the best decision of my life. Even though I had many struggles letting go of certain vices, like smoking weed, after letting go of strongholds he has gifted me with an indescribable amount of peace that can only come from God.
Follow along as we continue to explore a walk with Christ in every aspect of our lives and how God helps us make our walk easier. As believers it’s impossible to fully be integrated into holy spaces because that’s just not how life works. In fact, God even tells us to be a light for others so that they can see his glory in us.
So, it’s not about being literally separated from worldly people, but instead reaching them so that we can spread God’s love. Everyone can have the salvation, love, and peace that God gifts us, and as his children we can show them what it looks like by how we live. Even though it is hard to go through the temptations of the world, when you finally get through the initially falls and hurdles of being out on the water again, riding those first few waves will always make it worth it and by the time you know it, you might even end up feeling like riding a bike.