1tbs Maple Almond ButterYou can add more if you want the consistency to be more buttery. However, we suggest you start with 1 tbsp and add as needed
1/2tbspGround cinnamon You can add more, but start small
1dashVanilla Extract
Peel the frozen banana with a small knife making sure to remove all the peel
Add all remaining ingredients to the blender; maple almond butter, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon, and oat milk
Blend for about 45sec-1minute. Keep in mind the more you blend the smoothie the texture of the smoothie will be. If you want more of a chunky consistency you can blend for less time
Serve! You can add topping if you would like, or more cinnamon if you feel it is missing some of that flavor.
Keyword Banana Smoothie, Maple Almond Butter, Pre Workout Drink